Getting Started
Article wizard
Generate SEO optimized contents at scale with our easy to use article wizard which collects your keywords or topics and converts them to high qaulity long form articles. Learn how it works below
Bulkwriter is designed to perform bulk tasks enhanced by AI. You can create as many bulk article tasks as possible and powered the generation with our presets and API
In order to generate bulk articles with the article wizard on bulkwriter, you must connect any API key from the following LLM:
Open AI
Claude AI
How to use the Article wizard
Ensure you have created a preset and a project so that we can properly group your generated contents.
Open Bulkwriter and select Article Wizard
Select Single or Bulk Article
On the next option:
Option 1 - Add your keywords and allow AI to automatically create Topics based on this keywords.
Option 2 - Add your Topics and AI will automatically set your focus keywords.
Lastly, Select the project to group this task.
Generate in the background.
Your article task is generated in the background and you can check the progress.